
Exhibition Information | Cixing stands out at the ITMA 2023 Milan International Exhibition


As a globally authoritative and influential textile machinery event, the quadrennial ITMA International Textile Machinery Exhibition was grandly held from June 8th to 14th at Fiera Milano Rho, the new international exhibition center in Milan, Italy. As a leading enterprise in the Chinese textile industry, Ningbo Cixing Co., Ltd. showcased multiple revolutionary one-step forming new products, with booth number H7-D102, shining at the Milan International Exhibition in Italy.

During the exhibition, Sun Ruizhe, President of Chinese National Textile and Apparel Council, and Gu Ping, President of Chinese Textile Machinery Association, made a special trip to Cixing's booth and had a cordial exchange with Sun Pingfan, Chairman of Ningbo Cixing Co., Ltd. The computerized flat knitting machine products expressed high affirmation and encouraged Cixing to seize the "dual cycle" development pattern, further integrate into the international market,  to establish a pragmatic and efficient overseas market platform and build Chinese textile machinery brand, we must strive to match the development of the textile equipment link with the industrial chain, achieve personalized and diversified development, find an entry point in green development and recyclability, and further accelerate the green transformation of enterprises.

Innovation and upgrade
Promote the development and progress of knitting technology

In the textile and apparel industry, change has never been more critical than it is today, and in the fourth industrial revolution, business and technological advancements provide immersive and personalized solutions to meet end-user needs. As a leading enterprise of knitting machinery in China, Ningbo Cixing Co., Ltd. has received customer representatives from many countries, conducted in-depth technical exchanges, and is committed to improving the technical level of knitting machinery, promoting the development and progress of knitting technology, and realizing the intelligent upgrading of the knitting industry.

The chairman of Ningbo Cixing Co., Ltd. personally led the team to participate in this exhibition. He said: "In the development of the computerized flat knitting machine of Cixing Co., Ltd. for more than 20 years, it has already had more than 10,000 customers and more than 1,000 patents, reaching the annual sales volume of more than 20,000 units is far ahead in the industry. The future has come, and the knitting industry needs intelligent manufacturing to empower. Ningbo Cixing Co., Ltd. focuses on intelligent manufacturing big data, 5G networks and other fields to accelerate the promotion of traditional enterprise intelligent production lines to help knitting enterprises realize digitalization transformation."

Product breakthrough
Leading the future development direction and trend

At this ITMA International Exhibition in Milan, Italy, Cixing Co., Ltd. brought the latest Steiger series products. This product has 32 knitting yarn feeders, which can knit 32 colors at a time, and can knit various complex patterns to the maximum. This technology has an absolute leading position in the world's flat knitting industry. The launch of this product will inject new impetus into the global sweater textile market.

In addition, the company has brought multiple revolutionary seamless integrated new products, which can significantly reduce production costs and improve production efficiency for sweater enterprises, helping customers transform and upgrade. Making digital production of knitted sweaters possible represents the latest technology in China and is the direction and trend of future production of sweaters.

Digital empowerment
Promote the win-win symbiosis of the textile industry

Ningbo Cixing Co., Ltd. began to develop computerized flat knitting machines in 2003, and has always attached great importance to the development of the global market. It has participated in international textile machinery exhibitions for five consecutive times. As early as 2007, at the ITMA Munich International Exhibition in Germany, Ningbo Cixing Co., Ltd. launched The first Chinese computerized flat knitting machine participated in the International Textile Machinery Exhibition, which represents the first time for Chinese enterprises to go abroad in the field of computerized flat knitting machines, and has unprecedented breakthrough significance for the development of Chinese textile machinery industry.

In the future, Cixing will focus more on changing our traditional production and weaving methods by using intelligent manufacturing, digital Big data and other scientific and technological means, so that the textile and textile machinery industry can achieve industrial intelligence and digitalization as soon as possible, break through the development of industrial ecology, stimulate industrial innovation, and promote win-win coexistence.