
​Cixing 2023 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference and Spring Festival Gala


On January 26, 2024, the 2023 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference and Spring Festival Gala of Cixing were grandly held. All employees, as well as major agents, suppliers, partners, and customers from all over the country, participated in this annual meeting.

At the beginning of the annual meeting, Chairman Sun Pingfan presented the 2023 work report and the 2024 work deployment. He emphasized the importance of teamwork and encouraged all employees to work together to make greater contributions to the development of the company. Looking back on 2023, we have gained glory and sweat, dreams and joy, which have also inspired us to move forward. Looking ahead to 2024, we will continue to write a new chapter in history, face new challenges, seize new opportunities, work together, strive together, and create brilliance.

At the solemn and exciting award ceremony, Cixing Group presented a series of outstanding awards to recognize employees who have made outstanding contributions in the past year. These employees not only achieved outstanding results in their work, but also demonstrated exemplary teamwork and leadership skills.

After the award ceremony, there was a series of exciting and diverse cultural performances. Whether it's singing and dancing, acrobatics, or recitation performances, each stage is full of laughter and surprises, making the entire annual meeting full of vitality and enthusiasm.

▲Chairman Sun Pingfan and Management Sing "The Era of Cixing"

Of course, the annual meeting also includes an exciting lucky draw! The generous gifts and cash red envelopes made all the people present enthusiastic, and cheers kept coming from the venue.

The 2023 Annual Gala of Cixing Group came to an end amidst applause and laughter. We would like to express our gratitude to every Cixing employee for their hard work, to our partners who have walked shoulder to shoulder with us, and to every friend who has followed and supported Cixing. In the new year, may we work together to create more brilliance!